element PassengerInfo
diagram index_p17.png
namespace http://petra.linkon.se/sm/v1_4
content complex
children tns:TravellerCustomerId tns:MobilePhone tns:FirstName tns:LastName tns:CustomerPriority tns:TravellerNumber tns:TravellerCard
used by
element RowData

element PassengerInfo/TravellerCard
diagram index_p18.png
namespace http://petra.linkon.se/sm/v1_4
type tns:Card
isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
children tns:CardType tns:CardNumber
Travellers customer card, if the traveller has more then one card so will the card on this order be used, if this order dosent have a card, the card in customer registry will be used.

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